Renee Hellmuth
She loves passionately, and is deeply loved.
She is talented and serves willingly with her gifts.
She is creative and embraces beauty and godliness.
She is clothed with strength and dignity.
She can laugh at the days to come.
She is Renee Hellmuth.
Q: When did you become a Christian?
A: I was raised in a Christian home and accepted the Lord at a young age prompted by a show about the Easter story. At age 13 I asked God to show me he was real. I didn't want to believe just because my entire family did and because it was what I was raised in. He answered my prayer. That’s when I decided to be baptized.
Q: How long have you been in ECC Attleboro? What kind of community is ECC to you?
A: 22 years. Right from the beginning, we loved ECC because it was a beautiful blend of my Evangelical and Kevin's Catholic upbringing. We had searched for a church for a full year. Coming to ECC felt like coming home. We knew it was where we were meant to be.
Q: What role have you been serving in ECC Attleboro?
A: Currently I teach Sunday School for the middle/high school group and am part of the prayer team. I also babysit Sam on Sunday evenings so Cortney can serve at youth group along side Pastor Chris.
Q: Other volunteer roles?
A: Over the course of 22 years, I have volunteered/participated in Choir, Nursery, VBS, Fall Fair, Trunk or Treat, Decorating for Christmas, making signs, baking for Care packages for college kids/youth group snacks/homeless outreach, Stewardship committee, executive board, search committee, various bible study groups.
Q: What keeps you going and serving?
A: We are called by God to serve and to be a community of believers. Our faith walk is not meant to be done alone. We are not meant to be stagnant but to constantly be in His word and growing.
Q: Would you like to share any message with people exploring faith or returning to faith?
A: Keep your eyes focused on Jesus. Make Him the center of all you do. Persevere. There is life changing power in walking with God.
Q: What would you like to say to people who are considering checking out ECC Attleboro?
A: It is God who brings hope and life. We encourage and support one another as we face the challenges this world gives.
Q: Favorite Bible verse or quote when facing challenges and difficulties?
Q: Share a fun fact about you?
A: I hate vegetables!