Small Groups
Men’s Ministries
A men's breakfast & devotional time is held the first Saturday of each month at 8 am in Fellowship Hall.
This group is for the men of ECC Attleboro & friends - keeping us connected and engaged and challenged in our service to God, our families and the community.
Click the link below if you are interested in signing up or to find out more.
women’s ministries
Women’s Bible Study group meets Wednesdays at 9:30 - 11am in the church lounge. All ages are welcome.
There are fellowship nights planned on a quarterly basis.
Click the link below if you are interested in hearing more.
other Small groups
We have several other small groups that meet in the homes of church members once or twice a month. Some are doing zoom and some have shifted to a hybrid to accommodate everyone.
These spaces are created to go deeper into the Bible as well as build our relationships up with one another.
The link below will bring you to the small group options we currently have & give you the option to sign up.
Special Needs Small Group
A new ministry has grown out of need of our families at church to provide a way for their young adult children to serve others in a safe enviroment. They began meeting to decide how that can care for others and their first big project was to create these bags to be given to our homeless friends in need with Lynn Ministries