Beacon Covenant can be described as:

but not exclusive
but not doctrinaire
but not rigid
but not independent

We believe in the centrality of the word of God, both Old and New Testaments. It is the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct. The dynamic and transforming power of the word of God directs the church and the life of each Christian. This reliance on the Bible leads us to affirm both men and women as ordained ministers and at every level of leadership. It is the reason we pursue ethnic diversity in our church and is the inspiration for every act of compassion, mercy, and justice.

We believe the Church is the living Body of Christ on earth, with Christ as its head and source of life. The Body is composed of those who have confessed in a personal faith in Jesus Christ and is open to all believers. The church is not an institution, organization, or building. It is a grace-filled communion of saints who participate in the life and mission of Jesus Christ. We believe in the priesthood of all believers—that is, we all share in the ministry of the church.

We observe baptism and Holy Communion as sacraments—a visible sign of God’s invisible grace. We practice both infant and believer baptism.

Our Mission Statement

To know and love Jesus

To know and love each other

To serve and share the Good News

OUR Vision Statement

At Beacon Covenant church, we are a family of faith, seeking to grow more Christ-like each day, boldly going as Christ’s heart and hands in joyful adventure into our community.


  • We are a congregation that reflects Christ’s light and love. We follow Christ through biblical teaching and meaningful fellowship.

  • We honor the resilient witness of past generations and cherish our bonds of affection for the church worldwide.

  • We love and accept each person as worthy and made in God’s image.

  • By faith, we worship in joyous song, word, and action.

Our Denomination

The Evangelical Covenant Church is a multiethnic movement of 875 congregations in the United States and Canada with ministries on five continents of the world. The ECC values the Bible as the word of God, the gift of God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ, the call to extend God’s love to a hurting world, and the strength that comes from unity within diversity.

We are united by Christ in a holy covenant of churches empowered by the Holy Spirit to obey the great commandments and the great commission: to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to go into all the world and make disciples.

Our Church History

Our first building on Pearl Street

Our first building on Pearl Street

More than 100 years ago, our congregation took root in Attleboro as a place for people whose deep awareness of God’s goodness to them could be acted out in love and faithfulness.   

That hardy seedling thrived, and today The Covenant Church remains a community of believers whose varied paths have converged here in Christian worship and service.

A desire to share the grace of the gospel
is what makes us evangelical.
A love for God made real in Jesus Christ
keeps us worshipping together.
A need to connect Sunday faith with everyday life
keeps us serving and seeking.

The seedling, now a tree with a broad, welcoming canopy, still thrives, fed by the goodness and grace of the One who planted it a century ago.